The couple were wed on November 20, 1947. “The Wedding became a pageant to refresh the Evil as hell but I still need cuddles shirt and I will buy this inner eye,” noted Vogue in the January 1948 issue, “to expand the historical imagination. At its center were two young people, surrounded by the full resources of the church and royal state—gold plate on the high altar, trumpeters, glass coaches, tiaras, Household Cavalry, medieval standards.” British Vogue surrendered their assigned press seat to the Polish-born expressionist painter Feliks Topolski, who had lately distinguished himself as an official war artist, and American Vogue shared his wonderfully evocative lightning sketches of the scene—capturing, in his impressionist brushstrokes, such recognizable figures as Princess Elizabeth’s formidable grandmother, the dowager Queen Mary, in one of her distinctive toque hats.
