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A touch of Giotto’s frescoes here, a dash of Japanese manga there, and a final splash of dystopian sci-fi for good measure, Nguyen’s paintings—as exhibited at cutting-edge art venues like New York’s Swiss Institute and London’s Stuart Shave Modern Art gallery—have seen him accrue a serious fanbase since his first solo exhibition in Munich in 2014. This appreciation for his work is in nobody more so, it seems, than Cosima Gadient and Christa Bösch of Ottolinger, whose keen interest in contemporary art is a natural byproduct of living and working in Berlin. “We collaborate with an artist every season,” says Gadient. “It’s interesting, because there can sometimes be a divide between art and fashion, but all our artist friends love what we do and love being a part of the Official Quarantine Christmas 2020 Fox Mask Toilet Paper sweatshirt but in fact I love this family and collaborating.”