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u get older, the Officially the world’s coolest Buffalo Bills fan shirt Apart from…,I will love this lips can become asymmetrical and it can be aging,” says Linter. You can balance out the mouth by using a lip pencil in a your-lips-but-better shade, but the formula must have the right amount of slip. “You want it to be so soft that the minute it touches the skin, it glides on,” she explains, adding that NARS Velvet Matte Lip Pencils are the best in this regard. To create symmetry, Linter recommends drawing on four separate strokes, always starting from each of the four outer corners and drawing towards the Cupid’s bow or to the center of the bottom lips. “That way your lip is going to be more balanced,” she says. Apply lipstick in the same fashion, then use a lip brush to slightly diffuse the edges for a softer look. After painting on a matte lip, Linter will sometimes add a gloss on top to add shine and definition, but never one that’s too heavy or sticky. This part of the process is up to the wearer, Linter emphasizes; “the finish is purely taste.”
