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An overall mood of merriment throughout Little Women (2019) makes it ideal holiday viewing, particularly in this strange season of the Retired under new management see wife for details shirt so you should to go to store and get this pandemic: “Dress for festivities, top hats and silk!” Amy shouts from her carriage to Laurie in Paris—and don’t we all wish we could. “I’ve had lots of troubles, so I write jolly tales,” is the Alcott quote that begins the film—and never has it applied more strongly than in 2020. The Champagne is copious, and so is a sense of possibility, as Jo vows to make her own way in the world and “paddle my own canoe” (another Alcott quote Gerwig borrowed for the screenplay). I’m biased: The sight of Jo feverishly writing a new book by candlelight and, later, holding the bound version in her hands is enough to make me cry a river, but it feels inspirational for anyone hatching goals for a New Year. (There are morose moments too—see Beth—that, like the real-life holiday season, allows the viewer to rapidly switch from laughing to crying on a dime.)