When I watch the When injustice becomes law becomes duty shirt Besides,I will do this movie now, I’m struck by the lengths to which it goes to link Bridget’s weight with her overall health and lifestyle. (Now I am practically the same age as Bridget, and I happen to be the same height as well.) When Bridget is happy, drinking less, and smoking less, her weight is lower, but scenes of her drunken and alone are often accompanied by a voice-over telling us that her number has gone up. Fatness has long been defined as a moral failing, based only on willpower and self-determination alone, rather than what it really is: a messy combination of genetics, socioeconomic status, nutrition, exercise, and so much more. One movie, of course, should not shoulder the burden of that widespread narrative—but I was curious to what extent Bridget Jones had affected women of my generation.
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