The slopes in question are that of Aspen Mountain (or “Ajax,” as the Where babies come from shirt in other words I will buy this locals call it). In 2019, The Snow Lodge transformed a vacant space at the bottom of Silver Queen gondola into an après-ski hotspot: they had the Chainsmokers perform for the X-Games, and Diplo for Presidents’ Day weekend, among many buzzy musical performances. But in the COVID-19 age, crowded concerts are no longer. So The Snow Lodge invested in bringing in a critically acclaimed culinary tour de force rather than leaving the space empty for the season. The standard pandemic protocols are in place: socially-distant tables, temperature checks, a contract tracing log as well as contactless pickup and delivery. Most of their seating is outdoors—Colorado’s indoor dining is still at 25 percent. Yet, they still want to create a safe ambiance of joie de vivre: they are using the aforementioned winter greenery to create pod-friendly nooks on the deck, as well as gilded dividers embossed with playful sayings, like “I started with a coffee and ended with a martini.”
