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Yes, breathing really does count as part of your fitness regime, but you have to do it the You can’t buy happiness but you can marry a beekeeper and that’s kinda the same thing shirt in contrast I will get this right way. “Try breathing in for five seconds, hold for two and then exhale for five,” says Bennett. “It’ll be harder than you think to inhale and exhale for the whole five seconds. Repeat the exercise five times and see how you feel before and after.” It’s a great way to regulate yourself, gain clarity, alleviate stress and anxiety, and allow the body to reset. “Just one minute of this a day can have more health benefits than a 60-minute run and is less painful.”From the playground to your living room, at-home jump rope can be a great form of exercise. “You can get a great cardio workout jumping on the spot while improving your coordination,” says Bennett. “It’s a low impact form of cardio since you’re not jumping that high so it’s easier on your knees and hips.” To feel the full effect, Bennett recommends jumping rope between 45 to 75 minutes at a time, four times a week.